Thursday 18 June 2020

در نام عیسی مسیح خداوند.

با سلام خدمت تمامی دوستان امروز یه فیلمی را گرفتم،به دلم افتاده بود بهتون بگم چقدر برای خداوند و عیسی مسیح با ارزش هستین،عیسی مسیح تاوان تمام گناهان ما را داد وقتی روی صلیب رفت و وقتی که دوباره پس از سه روز به زنده شد معجزه ای بود که باید اتفاق میوفتاد تا من و تمام شما ها به قدرت خداوند ایمان داشته باشین.براتون ارزوی سلامتی در این ایام را دارم و در دعا هستم برای شما.

با ارادت برادر سینا

Friday 12 June 2020

Luke 11:1-28 - How does Jesus say we should pray?

In Luke 11:1-13 we hear some of Jesus' thoughts on prayer.  It is evident from Luke's Gospel that Jesus prays often (Luke 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28).  Jesus' disciples have no doubt noticed His prayerfulness and in this passage they ask Him to teach them how to pray (Luke 11:1).  Jesus starts His instruction by saying "when you pray."  For the follower of Christ, prayer is not a matter of if, but when.  That isn't to say that prayer is some heartless command, rather it is the natural result of a belief in a personal God.
What follows is what has come to be known as "The Lord's Prayer."  The prayer is also recorded in Matthew 6:9-13.  The two passages are very similar.  The only difference being that Luke's version is shorter at various points.  Even still the concepts shared are the same and are given in the same order.  The prayers are also recorded in different contexts.   Matthew indicates this prayer was shared with a large crowd during the Sermon on the Mount.  Luke indicates the prayer to be part of Jesus' answer to a question from the disciples about how to pray.  While I certainly think it fruitful to pray the prayer verbatim, it is important to consider the concepts contained within the prayer.

Thursday 4 June 2020


  فرقی نمیکند چه کسی رئیس جمهور باشد! #جمهوری_اعدامی "Det spiller ingen rolle hvem som er president! #Henrettelsesrepublikken "